

There is value in recognising and observing special events through ritual and with joy and happiness.


17 January 2020

With the Year of the Pig drawing to a close and the Year of the Rat right around the corner, families across east Asia are preparing for the most important celebration of the year. In the studio, we studied traditional images from Vietnamese celebrations of the Lunar New Year– Dong Ho woodcut paintings, which originated in the 11th century from artisans in a small village in the Red River Delta.


For their unit on Celebration, Year 6s studied the themes, motifs, and formal qualities of Dong Ho woodcut paintings, Vietnamese folk paintings dating back to the 11th century, that are displayed during Tet, the country’s celebration of the Lunar New Year. In their drawing studies, students considered how the images communicate folk allegories and popular stories, mythical and historical figures, social activities and good luck wishes for the new year. They then chose one design to paint and practiced colour mixing and flat colour mixing in their gouache paintings.